Baptizing your Child Baptism is the beginning of your child's journey of faith. Through baptism, your child will receive the Holy Spirit and become a disciple, a follower of Christ, and a member of God’s family, the Church. It is your responsibility as the child’s parents to be the role models for your child on this journey of faith. Therefore, we have a unique program to prepare the parents and godparents and help them raise their consciousness about this vital responsibility God entrusted to them.
Requirements For Baptism For Parents: At least one parent must be a Catholic, and both parents must be willing to raise the child in the Catholic faith. For Godparents: Godparents are individuals who should be part of the child's life and are willing to accept the responsibility of supporting their godchild in learning and living the Catholic faith through their own example. The Godparents should be at least 16 years of age, baptized, and confirmed Catholics, who have received their first communion and are practicing their faith.
Please download, answer all questions, and submit the registration form and the processing fee to the parish office.
Group Baptisms in English are held on the first Saturday of each month. $ 75
Group Baptisms in Spanish are held on the second Saturday of each month $ 75
Private Baptisms are held on Saturday and Sunday upon availability. $ 300
Please bring the original birth certificate for our records.
Once all documentation and fees are received, your child's baptism date will be confirmed, and an appointment will be scheduled to meet with our pastor.
Parents and God Parent(s) must complete an online baptism class before the child's baptism.